Weather Forecast Project By forecasting on a regular basis, you'll experience the difficulty involved in making a forecast under changing weather conditions. You'll be able to investigate the accuracy of your forecasts through comparison with actual observation. Forecasting is a difficult business, and even a meteorologist whose been forecasting all his/her life, will once in a while totally blow a forecast. So don't get frustrated. Use the Understanding weather data handouts and what you learn from them. Part I Choose a city in the United States or internationally. If you want to do an international city you may have to find web sites that host international weather data. You will record this on all documents that you submit. When you submit a forecast use the Forecast Project Worksheet. You can email me the document or print it out. My email is Part II Make a forecast You will do one practice forecast and then several that will count for your grade. You will be able to revise some of those forecasts. All forecasts and revisions will be submitted through Moodle. You will use the document Forecast Project Worksheet for your forecast and the document Forecast Project Revision for any revisions. Part III Calculating error You will calculate the error of your week long forecast, both in temperature and precipitation. Part IV Analyzing the data You will write up an analysis of your forecasting experience with your discussion covering several key points. Part III and Part IV will be submitted in the same document Forecast Project Analysis. Submissions are due by 11:55 pm school time of the due date. School time is usually 5 minutes fast. The calendar is described below. Monday October 24 The project is described and we start going over the practice worksheets. Tuesday October 25 You will work on the practice worksheets and then make your first practice forecast for Wednesday October 26, Thursday October 27 and Friday Oct 28. Friday October 28 You will analyze the practice forecast using archived and current data. You will also submit another forecast for Saturday Oct 29, Sunday October 30 and Monday October 31. Monday October 31 You will analyze the forecast from the weekend. Your analysis is due by 11:55 pm Thursday night. Tuesday November 1 Field Trip Friday November 4 You will analyze the forecast and submit another one for Saturday November 5, Sunday November 6 and Monday November 7. Monday November 7 You will submit a forecast for Tuesday November 8 and Wednesday November 9 Tuesday November 8 You will submit a revision for Wednesday November 9. Wednesday. You will analyze both of your forecasts (October 29 Ð Monday 31 and November 5 Ð 9). Your analysis is due by 11:55 pm Wednesday night. The website for the project is